Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Women in the Bible part One of Thousands.

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vein, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Psalm 31:30)

I saw a friend of mine post this on Facebook. There is a mountain of horrid things the bible says about women, and one day I will write on all of them. But let's just start here. And I will make it short.

This is bullshit. 

Women, your bible praises you for being fearful, for cowering under your male counterparts. Your bible says that your charm is a ruse and your beauty is worthless. You are only valuable as a quiet, obedient puppy in the employ of a god that would rather see you as a slave than as a free and happy human.

Allow me to offer you the alternative. 

Women: your strength, your smile, your charm and attitude, your heated quips and your loving whispers; your frowns and tears, your cries of pleasure and screams of disdain, your toes and warts and touching thighs and unmakeuped eyes... are all the most beautiful, pure things you can offer the universe. Every single thought and feeling that swims in your body is to be cherished, is to be desired. You are a work of art. You are praiseworthy. You are your own goddess. Do not let any person or imaginary being EVER let you believe differently.

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