Friday, May 28, 2010

my eyelids are doing that thing
where every blink takes longer
and      longer    and
i know your blood cooks when
i murmur it's time for bed
in some sleepy stupor (you know it's
cute) but you just can't get past the
frustration that we cannot
stay up the whole night and chatter.

And so I know I'm sitting here
writing for the sake of writing
and running on sentences because
my eyelids are still doing that thing but
you are in the shower now,
so i'll try to keep them open until you
come back
so that I can purr that i'm sleepy
as if you hadn't already been dreading it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the Rockies that stand between us:

if they had the ears to hear my sighs
if they had the fingers to touch my spine
and feel the pulse roar; the skin
tingle, they would not just lie down,
those jagged dogs--they would
liquify, dissolve.
And the bones in my
knees--barely more than sediment--
combat the threat, the shaking
so that when those mountains
crumble fearing the 
cadence in my veins,
I can stretch just a bit taller
and feel that kiss again.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the truth is

there are nights that feel
colder than the ninety-
nine percent pure water ice that
circles, massed around Saturn.

that this is harder than
all the rocks and all
the hard places
smashed into one then
crumbled to the floor with
bare hands.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

time-stained hands

i read an article that said
if I could spend more quality time
with myself, these
long pre-finals Saturday nights
would not have me
floundering in useless gloom.
It said to take up a hobby, to
get back into something I've missed.
An example?
writing poetry.
And so I said, okay,
I'll write some poetry
but I write so god damn fast
so that the words are down before
i forget them.

Well, this didn't help at all.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

it has something to do with symmetry, they say

i have looked at myself before
in the mirror
and wondered what I could
change about myself--what would
make me look like them.
Would it be
and it doesn't take long before i
remind myself that i am
beautiful and
so are you along with
every other woman and
there is no reason we should
bring it up