Friday, October 19, 2012


I follow Humans of New York on Facebook. I count on this page to warm-and-fuzzy my soul on a daily basis.

Yesterday Brandon, the author of HONY, posted a picture of a beautiful, outspoken young woman named Stella. The photo was originally posted on her personal blog, in her underwear along with a short piece calling out the numerous people who have chosen to judge her, make her feel generally unworthy throughout her life solely based on her size. I was truly inspired and shared her story.

A "friend" of mine - the quotes are necessary because I could never justify any sort of constant contact with a character like that - re-shared the photo. 

He said "This is exactly what's wrong with America."  

And I fucking lost it. 

I watched a young man rife with white privilege spout what I can only determine to be the deliberate brainwashings of a perfectly materialized American culture, complete with horrible grammar and an utter lack of regard for punctuation. I read as he generalized all overweight people, labeling them as lazy, selfish, weak-minded, spoiled brats (these are all his adjectives). He blamed fat people in America for starvation in Africa while telling me that racism and sexism have never killed anyone, as some sort of justification for his out-right bullying (and asked why he could be considered a bully). He suggested that we send all of the obese people in the US to PoW camps. And proceeded to call me closed-minded while his friend called me fat.

You can't make this shit up.

I try to keep my ramblings to a minimum - in general I spend my days in sheer awe at the universe, smiling at the mountains and winking at the sun.  But sometimes... I just can't allow myself to stay quiet.

So here is just a small reminder.

Some people are thin, some are not. Unhealthiness (and health!) comes in EVERY SIZE - and yes, I might consider your permanent mental state of douchebag to be unhealthy. If you are big and make little people feel like shit, you might be a shallow person.  If you are little and make big people feel like shit, you might be a shallow person. And no matter how skinny or buff or right you think you are, you still might fucking suck. 

Freedom of speech is my favorite thing - we are allowed to be real, and I will always encourage people to say what they mean. 

But, for the love of Zeus, stop being so fucking mean to one another.

Jesus Christ. 

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